The TDSB's Parent, Caregiver and Community Engagement Office has made us aware of two opportunities for parents and caregivers to help shape board policies. Please read the following and consider having your say. 1. Learning Opportunities Index Policy (P067) The Learning Opportunities Index Policy (P067) is currently being reviewed. The revised draft Learning Opportunities Index Policy (P067) (the “Policy”) is meant to affirm the TDSB’s commitment to achieve equitable academic opportunities. This Policy will assist with steering additional resources to schools serving students who face greater challenges and to make sure that all students have access to educational resources. The revised draft Policy also aims to support student learning experiences through equitable allocation of resources to schools and to provide direction to staff regarding the use of the Learning Opportunities Index (LOI). The objectives of the LOI are:
The TDSB would like to share the draft Policy with you and seek your input. You can find the draft Policy posted for your review at the TDSB's Policy Consultations page, or directly at this link. Please share with us your thoughts, questions and recommendations on the draft Policy by email to [email protected], or via this online feedback form, on or before March 24, 2025. 2. Dealing with Abuse and Neglect of Students Policy (P045) The Dealing with Abuse and Neglect of Students Policy (P045) is currently being reviewed and reconsulted for 30 days. The revised draft Dealing with Abuse and Neglect of Students Policy (the “Policy”) is meant to support the Toronto District School Board’s commitment to educate school communities about their Duty to Report, incidents of suspected, witnessed, and/or disclosed neglect and abuse of children to the Children Aid Societies. The draft Policy also centres around the principles of human rights, in alignment with the Human Rights Policy (P031) and the Human Rights Code, to provide a culturally safe, nurturing, positive, and respectful learning environment focused on preventing abuse and neglect for all students, including Indigenous, Black, and newcomer students. In addition, the revised draft Policy includes provisions related to:
The TDSB would like to share the draft Policy with you and seek your input. You can find the draft Policy posted for your review at the TDSB's Policy Consultations page, or directly at this link. If you have any questions related to the review and consultation of the Policy, please contact at: [email protected] on or before February 24, 2025. Comments are closed.