A welcome note from your 2024/2025 SAC Co-Chairs

Hello, Dovercourt community!
On behalf of everyone at the Dovercourt School Advisory Council (SAC), we hope you all have had a terrific start to the school year. As we all settle into the fall routine, we'd like to introduce ourselves (or re-introduce ourselves) to you all.
Peggy is returning as SAC Co-Chair. She's been involved with SAC for many years, three of which as co-chair. Her son, Charlie, is in Grade 6 at Dovercourt.
This is Deborah's first year as Co-Chair, but she's been involved with SAC as communications lead for the past few school years. Her son, Jude, is in Grade 8 at Dovercourt, and her daughter, Hazel, is in Grade 5.
We both love Dovercourt, and care deeply about making it as good as it can be for everyone in our school community. (We suspect we're not the only ones.)
As we look to the year ahead, we have three main goals:
This past school year was a great one for SAC. We rebuilt our volunteer ranks and event strategy after COVID, strengthened our balance book, and laid the foundation for a great year ahead. With your help, together, we can make it happen.
Yours in education,
Peggy Gibbons and Deborah Aarts
2024/2025 Co-Chairs, Dovercourt SAC
On behalf of everyone at the Dovercourt School Advisory Council (SAC), we hope you all have had a terrific start to the school year. As we all settle into the fall routine, we'd like to introduce ourselves (or re-introduce ourselves) to you all.
Peggy is returning as SAC Co-Chair. She's been involved with SAC for many years, three of which as co-chair. Her son, Charlie, is in Grade 6 at Dovercourt.
This is Deborah's first year as Co-Chair, but she's been involved with SAC as communications lead for the past few school years. Her son, Jude, is in Grade 8 at Dovercourt, and her daughter, Hazel, is in Grade 5.
We both love Dovercourt, and care deeply about making it as good as it can be for everyone in our school community. (We suspect we're not the only ones.)
As we look to the year ahead, we have three main goals:
- To raise money for the school. We're planning several fundraising initiatives for the year ahead. Every dollar we raise goes towards enrichment activities, field trips, events, and other measures that improve day-to-day life at the school. (If you have ideas for fundraisers, please bring them to us!)
- To host awesome events. We're already starting to organize Spring Fling, our marquee fundraising and community-building event. We're also planning the school's annual Dance-a-thon fundraiser, a winter family movie night, and our Super Swap event.
- To build a strong SAC community. We want as many Dovercourt parents, grandparents, guardians, and caregivers to get involved with SAC as possible. Have you ever wondered what goes on in the school all day? Want to join a fun and big-hearted group of volunteers in making the school better? Do you simply have a terrific idea for Spring Fling? Reach out, or join us at a meeting.
This past school year was a great one for SAC. We rebuilt our volunteer ranks and event strategy after COVID, strengthened our balance book, and laid the foundation for a great year ahead. With your help, together, we can make it happen.
Yours in education,
Peggy Gibbons and Deborah Aarts
2024/2025 Co-Chairs, Dovercourt SAC
2024/2025 SAC Leadership
Dovercourt SAC elected its 2024/2025 leadership at the SAC meeting on September 17th, 2024 meeting. If you are interested in any of the open positions, or would like more details about getting involved, please reach out! Any Dovercourt parent or guardian can get involved; no previous SAC experience is required.
Co-Chairs |
Deborah Aarts and Peggy Gibbons |
Secretary |
Hilary Hall (Alternate: Deborah Walsh) |
Treasurer |
Matt Zulawski |
Communications |
Nahum Mann and Paul Tichonczuk (Alternate: Deborah Aarts) |
Events Team |
Lisa Kotsopoulos and Sarah Weaver |
Community Outreach & Ward Rep |
Chris Antonik |
Community Rep |
Enrichment |
Katie Quach |
Greening / Eco Team |
Paul Tichonczuk and Deborah Walsh |
Request for Funding Through SAC
As a parent, guardian, teacher or other member of the Dovercourt Community, if you have an idea for a COVID safe event, activity or initiative that needs funding, fill out this request for funding form to propose your idea and request funding.
All requests will be reviewed, and are subject to approval by the SAC. |
Dovercourt SAC Bylaws
The following are the SAC Bylaws for Dovercourt Public School as of October 2022.
School Councils are legislated bodies, governed by Regulation 612 of the Ontario Education Act. School Council and all of those who attend School Council meetings and activities shall adhere to these regulations, as well as the policies and the procedures of the Toronto District School Board, including but not limited to:
It is recognized and acknowledged that many members of the TDSB community continue to experience exclusion and marginalization, including racism, anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, ableism, sexism, transphobia & cissexism (discrimination and prejudice based on gender identity), homophobia, and other forms of marginalization and prejudice.
TDSB recognizes that sustained measures, both proactive and reactive, are required to eradicate discrimination and to ensure that all members of the TDSB community are included, welcomed and feel valued in all TDSB environments (as per P031 – Human Rights Policy).
The School Council shall:
The name of this organization shall be Dovercourt PS School Council and referred to as the School Council. Please note: the term, “parents/caregivers”, includes the parents, caregivers, guardians and families of students, as shown on the school registration.
Regulation 612/00 of the Ontario Education Act states that “the purpose of School Councils is, through the active participation of parents, to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.” A School Council's primary means of achieving its purpose is by making recommendations on any matter to the Principal of the school and to the Board that established the School Council.
An effective School Council relies on the contributions of the broader school community. The School Council will work to elect/acclaim members who are representative of this school's community. To this end, eligible candidates will be encouraged to seek office regardless of their race, colour, creed, culture, ethnicity, linguistic origin, disability, level of ability, socio-economic class, age, ancestry, nationality, place of origin, religion, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, body image, citizenship, immigration status, family status, marital status or as First Nations, Metis or Inuit.
School Council composition will include 5 parents/caregivers (as defined in Ontario Regulation 612/00), the Principal, one teacher, one non-teaching staff, one community representative and a student representative at the secondary level, to be appointed by the Student Council or elected according to School Council By-Laws if no Student Council is active.
Student Representative:
At the elementary level, a Student Representative is optional, to be appointed by the Principal, when directed by the School Council By-Laws. A Student Representative will be included as a voting member of our School Council.
Election of Parent/Caregiver Members:
Elections will be inclusive, transparent and accountable, ensuring that all members of the school community are included, welcomed and feel valued.
Elections of parent/caregiver members shall be held during the first 30 days of the school year on a date that is set by the School Council Chair/Co-Chairs in consultation with the Principal.
The Principal, on behalf of the School Council, shall give written notice of the date, the time and the location of the election, to every parent/caregiver of a student enrolled in the school, at least 14 days before the date of the election.
Any parent/caregiver of a student in the school, who is seeking election, must be nominated or self‐nominated in writing. A person is not qualified to be a parent/caregiver member if they are employed at the school. If employed by the Board but not at the school, they must take reasonable steps to inform those qualified to vote in the election of their Board employment status.
The election of a parent/caregiver member shall be by secret ballot and neither proxy nor absentee voting is permitted.
A person is eligible to vote in an election of parent/caregiver members of a School Council if they are the parent/caregiver of a student enrolled at the school.
Elections for teaching and non-teaching staff representatives on the School Council will be held during the first 30 days of each school year. The teaching representative shall be elected by those individuals at the school qualified to be the teacher representative in any method they determine. The non-teaching staff shall be elected by those individuals at the school qualified to be the non-teaching staff representative in any method they determine. Community members shall be appointed by the members of the School Council. When applicable, the student representative shall be elected by the student council, if one exists, or appointed by the Principal.
If positions are not filled during an election, the School Council may fill them via appointments throughout the school year. (see Vacancies).
If the number of declared candidates is less than or equal to the number of positions, no vote is required and the candidates will be acclaimed, notified and communicated to the school/community. If the number of declared candidates is higher than the number of positions, then a vote will be held on the date set by the Chair/Co-Chairs, in consultation with the Principal.
Elections for the School Council shall be supervised by the Principal (or designate) and at least one parent/caregiver, not seeking election.
Nominations will not be accepted from the floor on the evening of the elections. The school (Principal or designate) will receive and file all nomination forms.
Written information (picture not required) about each candidate, supplied by the candidate, shall be made available to the school community at least one week prior to the election. Candidates may not engage in campaigning on or off school property or use any School Council social media or other tools to promote their candidacy.
The Principal shall conduct a lottery of candidate names to determine randomly selected ballot positions for each candidate.
The names of the successful candidates shall be shared with the school community and posted on the school website.
Term of Office:
School Council members, elected or appointed, hold office from the latter of:
A vacancy in the membership of the School Council shall be filled by election or appointment. A vacancy in the membership of the School Council does not prevent the School Council from exercising its authority,
Executive vacancies will be opened to nominations from the voting members.
Executive Officers:
All members of the Executive must be elected from the voting members of the School Council. School Council will elect a Chair, or two (2) Co-Chairs who must be a parent/caregiver and cannot be a TDSB employee. The School Council may also elect other Officer positions (i.e., Secretary (Recorder), Treasurer), as deemed necessary.
Remuneration (payment):
No person shall receive any remuneration for serving as a member or Officer of the School Council. Members shall be reimbursed for pre-approved expenses that they incur as members or Officers of the School Council, as per Board procedures.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Chair or Co-Chair(s)
Principal (not a voting member):
Parent/Caregiver members of School Council:
Student, Teaching and Non-Teaching Representatives:
Representatives of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Association (where applicable):
The School Council shall consult with parents/caregivers of students enrolled in the school about matters under consideration by the School Council.
Official TDSB Land Acknowledgement:
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is situated on the ancestral, treaty and title lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. It is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.
All School Council meetings and events will start with the reading of the Land Acknowledgement. School Councils have the option to use the official TDSB Land Acknowledgement or to liaise with the Urban Indigenous Centre and to create a Land Acknowledgment of their own. Or, if the School Council already has a Land Acknowledgement, it must be approved by the Urban Indigenous Centre.
The first meeting of the School Council will take place within the first 35 days of the start of the school year after the election, on a date set by the Principal, in consultation with the Chair/Co-Chair(s).
A School Council shall meet at least 4 times in the school year. The dates for School Council meetings will be set at the first meeting, in consultation with the Principal. The Principal, on behalf of the School Council, will give written notice of the dates, the times and the location(s) of the meetings to every parent/caregiver of a student enrolled at the school.
An official meeting of the School Council cannot be held unless a majority (51%) of the current members of the School Council are present at the meeting, including the Principal or their designate. The majority of those present must be parents/caregivers.
A member of a School Council who participates in a meeting by phone or virtually shall be deemed to be present at the meeting.
Meeting Protocols:
Should a member of the School Council miss two (2) consecutive meetings without sufficient notification to the School Council, the Chair/Co-Chair(s) may call a meeting with the member to determine the member's interest in the School Council and whether the member has vacated the position. If a teaching, non-teaching staff, or student member misses two (2) consecutive meetings, the Chair/Co-Chair(s) will consult with the Principal about their continued participation and/or representation.
Meetings of the School Council and committees/sub-committees may be virtual, in-person or a combination of the two. All in-person School Council meetings shall be held at the school or in a location that is accessible to the public in alignment with school or Board policies and procedures. If at the school, the space will be reserved by the Principal. School Council meetings shall be open to the public.
The Chair/Co-Chair(s) or designate may permit space for committees’/sub-committees’ meetings by accessing their TDSB e-Base account at https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Community/Permits with their shared TDSB School Council email account ([email protected]). The Principal may also permit when required.
Virtual meetings will be held using the TDSB-approved virtual platforms (Zoom, Google Meet). Meeting platforms must include a call-in option to ensure access for all parents/caregivers. Recognizing that not all parents/caregivers will have access to these platforms, the School Council will ensure that the minutes are available electronically and in hard copy (translated when appropriate). School Council shall pass a resolution each year to determine whether School Council meetings are electronically recorded and posted on the school’s website. Meeting attendees will be notified of recordings and offered options for participation (i.e., phone-in, camera-off, communication via chat box, etc.). Virtual meetings shall be accessible to the public through registration.
Each member of the School Council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by the School Council. Each committee/sub-committee member is entitled to one vote in votes taken at the committee/sub-committee level. All School Council votes/decisions will be recorded in the School Council minutes. The Principal is not entitled to vote in votes taken by the School Council nor by a committee/sub-committee of the School Council. Voting cannot occur outside of official School Council or committee/sub-committee meetings.
Virtual Voting:
Virtual voting may take place using Google forms, ZOOM or other voting tools and neither proxy nor absentee voting is permitted. Voting cannot occur outside of official School Council meetings or committee/sub-committee.
Minutes and Financial Records:
School Council shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings and accurate financial records/transactions for four (4) years on the school premises. Minutes and financial records shall be available at the school for examination by any person, without charge.
An official meeting of the School Council cannot be held unless a majority (51%) of the current members of the School Council are present (in-person or virtually) at the meeting and a majority (51%) of the members who are present are parents/caregivers of students who attend our school.
School Council Social Media Accounts:
School Council:
All expenditures of the School Council require prior approval of the School Council and will be reported in a financial statement to be made available at each School Council meeting. Funds will not be used to support staff appreciation events or gifts. The School Council will not borrow funds nor enter into any financial commitment for which funds are not already in hand. The School Council budget includes the funds provided to School Councils by the Board and the Ministry of Education, as held in the school’s non-board accounts.
School Council will consult with the Principal to access and to confirm funds and usage of funds held in the school's non-board accounts (General Ledger 41500) assigned to the School Council provided by TDSB ($1.25 per student to a minimum of $300 and to a maximum of $1000) and the Ministry of Education ($500, Parent Engagement funds).
The School Council must approve and must document, in meeting minutes, the intended purpose of a fundraising activity before commencing. All expenditures from the School Council account must be approved by School Council prior to disbursing the funds. All School Council collections and all disbursements should be captured in their financial statements. The financial statements should be shared with School Council members and the Principal and should be presented at each School Council meeting.
The School Council may maintain a bank account. The Chair/Co-Chair(s), Treasurer and/or other School Council Executive shall act as approved signing officers of the School Council bank account. Each cheque must be signed by two authorized bank signatories. The Principal may be added as a signatory to the School Council bank account. Funds collected must be independently counted by two people, logged in the deposit voucher and deposited promptly. All funds must be securely kept in the school’s secure safe until the funds are counted and deposited into the bank.
School Councils may not enter into long-term agreements, loan arrangements or other contractual agreements under the name of the school or the School Council.
All proposed School Council fundraising activities will take into consideration the ability of our parents/caregivers to contribute and/or to raise funds. As per P037 – Equity Policy, events will reflect the ideas, traditions, cultures and strengths of the parents/caregivers represented in the school. Monetary and non-monetary contributions will be valued equitably.
The School Council may fundraise and must adhere to the P021 - Fundraising Policy and PR508 - Fundraising Procedures. School Councils shall not engage in fundraising activities unless the activities are to raise funds for a purpose approved by the Principal or authorized by any applicable policies established by the TDSB. The School Council is required to:
Fundraising proceeds must not be used for expenses required for completion of the curriculum nor for capital infrastructure improvements funded through renewal grants from the Ministry of Education.
School Council must use the Board-approved vendors when available to ensure compliance with health and safety. Where approved vendors are not available, School Councils shall work with the Principal to find an appropriate substitute. The School Council can access the up-to-date list of approved fundraising and fun fair vendors at: https:www.tdsb.on.ca/Community/How-to-Get-Involved/Fundraising/Fundraising-Guide.
All School Council disbursements must comply with the Boards' P017 - Purchasing Policy and must be approved by the school Principal and the School Council in advance of incurring the expense.
Committees of School Council:
Recognizing that committees/sub-committees are an effective and inclusive means of investigating and implementing School Council objectives, the School Council will establish committees/sub-committees to make recommendations to the full School Council as needed.
The School Council may establish committees/sub-committees to make recommendations to the School Council. All committees/sub-committees must include at least one (1) elected/appointed parent/caregiver member of the School Council. These committees/sub-committees may include persons who are not members of the School Council.
All committees/sub-committees will meet as required throughout the year to carry out the School Council’s activities. They will make recommendations to the School Council for approval and will report to the School Council on its activities. School Councils may determine if committee/sub-committee meetings may be open by invitation and accessible to the public. Committee/sub-committee Chairs/Co-Chair(s) will consider the comfort levels of parents/caregivers when choosing meeting locations.
Conflict of Interest:
School Council shall make rules respecting participation in School Council proceedings in cases of Conflict of Interest.
Each School Council member shall avoid situations that could result in an inconsistency between the overall goals and the vision of the School Council and personal or vested interest that may arise in connection with their duties as a School Council member. Should an issue or an agenda item arise during a School Council meeting where a School Council member is in a conflict of interest situation, they shall declare a conflict of interest immediately and decline from the discussion and the resolution.
Conflict Resolution:
School Council shall establish a Conflict Resolution process for internal School Council disputes that is in accordance with any applicable policies established by the TDSB.
General Principles:
A strong disagreement or a dispute between School Council members; or School Council members and Staff; or School Council members and non-member parents/caregivers due to:
School Council Member:
Any parent/caregiver of the school who has been elected/identified as a member of the School Council.
School Council (Co)Chair(s):
Members of the School Council elected by the membership as Chair/Co-Chair(s) of the School Council.
The Principal of the school or their designate.
A process where a neutral third party assists two conflicting people to come to an agreement. This could involve the mediator speaking individually to the two people, but ultimately must include the mediator facilitating a meeting between both conflicting people(s).
A person (Principal, School Council Chair/Co-chair(s)) who helps a group of people to work together better, to understand their common objectives and to plan how to achieve these objectives, during meetings or discussions. In doing so, the facilitator remains "neutral", meaning they do not take a particular position in the discussion.
An agreement by parties that solves the conflict.
Conflict Resolution Process:
Conflicts and disputes that occur within the School Council will be facilitated by the following:
Conflicts and disputes that occur within the School Council will be addressed using the following steps:
The notice given to each party to the dispute must state:
At the meeting at which a dispute is to be considered and determined, the facilitator must;
The mediation process must entail the following:
Suspension of a School Council Member:
If School Council is unsuccessful in their attempt to resolve a conflict that is impacting the effective operation of the School Council or is impeding the safe and the healthy engagement of all members using the Conflict Resolution process and/or the Suspension process. TDSB Staff (Principal, Superintendent or Executive Superintendent) may halt School Council operations (meetings, activities, fundraisers etc.) to engage in a resolution process that cannot exceed 2 - 3 months.
If the School Council is successful in its attempt to resolve a conflict using the Conflict Resolution process and/or the Suspension process, the Principal, Superintendent and/or Executive Superintendent may reinstate the School Council upon completion of the resolution process.
Annual Report:
School Council will annually submit a written report of its activities to the Principal and include any fundraising activities. The Principal will, on behalf of the School Council, give a copy of the report to every parent/caregiver of a student who is enrolled in the school, either by giving the report to the student for delivery to their parent/caregiver and/or posting the report in the school in a place that is visible to parents/caregivers and/or online.
By-Laws' Amendments:
School Council will review these By-Laws every three to four (3-4) years to ensure that they reflect the current makeup and the needs of the school community. Amendment Procedure:
The Dovercourt PS School Council By-Laws were created on October 21, 2022.
Contact Information of Principal:
Name: Caitland Ellis
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: 416-393-9220
School Councils are legislated bodies, governed by Regulation 612 of the Ontario Education Act. School Council and all of those who attend School Council meetings and activities shall adhere to these regulations, as well as the policies and the procedures of the Toronto District School Board, including but not limited to:
- P031: Human Rights Policy
- P037: Equity Policy
- P034: Workplace Harassment, Prevention for Non-Human Rights Code Harassment Policy
- P051: Caring and Safe Schools Policy
- PR585: Board Code of Conduct
It is recognized and acknowledged that many members of the TDSB community continue to experience exclusion and marginalization, including racism, anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, ableism, sexism, transphobia & cissexism (discrimination and prejudice based on gender identity), homophobia, and other forms of marginalization and prejudice.
TDSB recognizes that sustained measures, both proactive and reactive, are required to eradicate discrimination and to ensure that all members of the TDSB community are included, welcomed and feel valued in all TDSB environments (as per P031 – Human Rights Policy).
The School Council shall:
- create, maintain and contribute to a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the rights and the dignity of each person;
- identify, confront and eliminate barriers to engagement and participation;
- examine biases and reflect on the impact that power and privilege have on parents/caregivers and their engagement;
- support individuals who are, or have been, targets of discrimination and harassment;
- work to prevent discrimination and harassment;
- take all allegations of discrimination and harassment seriously and respond promptly by reporting them to the Principal.
The name of this organization shall be Dovercourt PS School Council and referred to as the School Council. Please note: the term, “parents/caregivers”, includes the parents, caregivers, guardians and families of students, as shown on the school registration.
Regulation 612/00 of the Ontario Education Act states that “the purpose of School Councils is, through the active participation of parents, to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.” A School Council's primary means of achieving its purpose is by making recommendations on any matter to the Principal of the school and to the Board that established the School Council.
An effective School Council relies on the contributions of the broader school community. The School Council will work to elect/acclaim members who are representative of this school's community. To this end, eligible candidates will be encouraged to seek office regardless of their race, colour, creed, culture, ethnicity, linguistic origin, disability, level of ability, socio-economic class, age, ancestry, nationality, place of origin, religion, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, body image, citizenship, immigration status, family status, marital status or as First Nations, Metis or Inuit.
School Council composition will include 5 parents/caregivers (as defined in Ontario Regulation 612/00), the Principal, one teacher, one non-teaching staff, one community representative and a student representative at the secondary level, to be appointed by the Student Council or elected according to School Council By-Laws if no Student Council is active.
Student Representative:
At the elementary level, a Student Representative is optional, to be appointed by the Principal, when directed by the School Council By-Laws. A Student Representative will be included as a voting member of our School Council.
Election of Parent/Caregiver Members:
Elections will be inclusive, transparent and accountable, ensuring that all members of the school community are included, welcomed and feel valued.
Elections of parent/caregiver members shall be held during the first 30 days of the school year on a date that is set by the School Council Chair/Co-Chairs in consultation with the Principal.
The Principal, on behalf of the School Council, shall give written notice of the date, the time and the location of the election, to every parent/caregiver of a student enrolled in the school, at least 14 days before the date of the election.
Any parent/caregiver of a student in the school, who is seeking election, must be nominated or self‐nominated in writing. A person is not qualified to be a parent/caregiver member if they are employed at the school. If employed by the Board but not at the school, they must take reasonable steps to inform those qualified to vote in the election of their Board employment status.
The election of a parent/caregiver member shall be by secret ballot and neither proxy nor absentee voting is permitted.
A person is eligible to vote in an election of parent/caregiver members of a School Council if they are the parent/caregiver of a student enrolled at the school.
Elections for teaching and non-teaching staff representatives on the School Council will be held during the first 30 days of each school year. The teaching representative shall be elected by those individuals at the school qualified to be the teacher representative in any method they determine. The non-teaching staff shall be elected by those individuals at the school qualified to be the non-teaching staff representative in any method they determine. Community members shall be appointed by the members of the School Council. When applicable, the student representative shall be elected by the student council, if one exists, or appointed by the Principal.
If positions are not filled during an election, the School Council may fill them via appointments throughout the school year. (see Vacancies).
If the number of declared candidates is less than or equal to the number of positions, no vote is required and the candidates will be acclaimed, notified and communicated to the school/community. If the number of declared candidates is higher than the number of positions, then a vote will be held on the date set by the Chair/Co-Chairs, in consultation with the Principal.
Elections for the School Council shall be supervised by the Principal (or designate) and at least one parent/caregiver, not seeking election.
Nominations will not be accepted from the floor on the evening of the elections. The school (Principal or designate) will receive and file all nomination forms.
Written information (picture not required) about each candidate, supplied by the candidate, shall be made available to the school community at least one week prior to the election. Candidates may not engage in campaigning on or off school property or use any School Council social media or other tools to promote their candidacy.
The Principal shall conduct a lottery of candidate names to determine randomly selected ballot positions for each candidate.
The names of the successful candidates shall be shared with the school community and posted on the school website.
Term of Office:
School Council members, elected or appointed, hold office from the latter of:
- the date that they were elected or appointed; and
- the date of the first meeting of the School Council after the elections held in the school year, until the date of the first meeting of the School Council after the elections held in the next school year.
A vacancy in the membership of the School Council shall be filled by election or appointment. A vacancy in the membership of the School Council does not prevent the School Council from exercising its authority,
- if an election is held to fill a vacancy in the membership of a School Council, the School Council’s elections' process will apply;
- if an appointment is held to fill a vacancy, the School Council may request that interested parents/caregivers submit their name for consideration. The School Council shall then vote to appoint candidates to fill the vacancy/vacancies.
Executive vacancies will be opened to nominations from the voting members.
Executive Officers:
All members of the Executive must be elected from the voting members of the School Council. School Council will elect a Chair, or two (2) Co-Chairs who must be a parent/caregiver and cannot be a TDSB employee. The School Council may also elect other Officer positions (i.e., Secretary (Recorder), Treasurer), as deemed necessary.
Remuneration (payment):
No person shall receive any remuneration for serving as a member or Officer of the School Council. Members shall be reimbursed for pre-approved expenses that they incur as members or Officers of the School Council, as per Board procedures.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Chair or Co-Chair(s)
- arrange for School Council meetings;
- prepare agendas for School Council meetings;
- chair School Council meetings;
- ensure that minutes of School Council meetings are recorded and maintained;
- ensure that the Annual Report is completed;
- facilitate conflict resolution;
- communicate with the Principal on behalf of the School Council;
- consult with senior board Staff and Trustees as required on behalf of the School Council;
- act as Joint Signing Officer;
- act as ex officio member(s) of School Council committees/sub-committees and any school committees, including but not limited to School Budget Committee, School Improvement Plan Committee, School Staffing Committee and Caring and Safe Schools' Committee;
- ensure completion of the School Statements of Needs (SSON) in collaboration with parents/caregivers;
- observe the School Council’s and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
- complete records of all meetings in a timely manner;
- assist the Chair/Co-Chair(s) in the distribution of minutes to all School Council members, ensure minutes, once approved, are available to the parent/caregiver body;
- responsible for upkeep of all School Council social media and communications to the parent/caregiver body (e.g., blog, social media, email, newsletters etc.);
- may as a Joint Signing Officer;
- observe the School Council’s and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
- act as custodian of the funds of the School Council;
- handle receipts and disbursement of School Council monies;
- keep proper records of all financial transactions;
- arrange for verification of the School Council’s financial records in June of each year;
- act as a Joint Signing Officer;
- adhere to the financial protocol instructions outlined in the School Council Financial Guide; prepare the annual Public-Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) report;
- observe the School Council’s and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
Principal (not a voting member):
- promptly distributes materials identified by the Ministry for distribution to School Council members and posts said material(s) in a school location accessible to parents/caregivers;
- attend every meeting of the School Council or delegates this responsibility to the Vice Principal (or designate) if unable to attend;
- act as a resource person to the School Council and shall assist the School Council in obtaining information relevant to the functions of the School Council, including information relating to relevant legislation, regulations and policies;
- consider each recommendation made to the Principal by the School Council and advise the School Council of the action taken in response to the recommendation;
- solicit the views of the School Council under the Education Act and the regulations, with respect to the following matters:
- The establishment or the amendment of school policies and guidelines that relate to pupil achievement or to the accountability of the education system to parents/caregivers, including: (i) a local code of conduct established under subsection 303 (1) or (2) of the Act governing the behaviour of all persons in the school, and (ii) school policies or guidelines related to policies and guidelines established by the Board under subsection 302 (5) of the Act respecting appropriate dress for pupils in schools within the Board’s jurisdiction.
- The development of implementation plans for new education initiatives that relate to pupil achievement or to the accountability of the education system to parents/caregivers, including, (i) implementation plans for a local code of conduct established under subsection 303 (1) or (2) of the Act governing the behaviour.
- provide input on the School Improvement Plan (SIP), based on the Education Quality and Accountability Office’s reports on the results of tests of pupils and the communication of those plans to the public;
- observe the School Council’s and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
Parent/Caregiver members of School Council:
- solicit the views of other parents/caregivers to share with the School Council;
- represent the views and the opinions of the parent/caregiver community;
- attend and participate in all meetings;
- participate on School Council committees;
- encouraged to participate in and to facilitate any events that the School Council holds during the school year;
- observe the School Council’s and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
Student, Teaching and Non-Teaching Representatives:
- contribute to the discussions of the School Council;
- solicit views from their peers to share with the School Council;
- may participate on any committees established by the School Council;
- communicate information back to their peers;
- observe the School Council’s and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
- contribute to the discussions of the School Council;
- represent the community's perspective;
- may participate on any School Council committee;
- help to build partnerships and links between the school and the community
- observe the School Council's and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
Representatives of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Association (where applicable):
- contribute to the discussions of the School Council;
- represent the views of their association;
- may participate on any committees/sub-committees established by the School Council;
- communicate information back to their association;
- observe the School Council’s and/or the Board's Code of Conduct and these By-Laws.
The School Council shall consult with parents/caregivers of students enrolled in the school about matters under consideration by the School Council.
Official TDSB Land Acknowledgement:
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is situated on the ancestral, treaty and title lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. It is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.
All School Council meetings and events will start with the reading of the Land Acknowledgement. School Councils have the option to use the official TDSB Land Acknowledgement or to liaise with the Urban Indigenous Centre and to create a Land Acknowledgment of their own. Or, if the School Council already has a Land Acknowledgement, it must be approved by the Urban Indigenous Centre.
The first meeting of the School Council will take place within the first 35 days of the start of the school year after the election, on a date set by the Principal, in consultation with the Chair/Co-Chair(s).
A School Council shall meet at least 4 times in the school year. The dates for School Council meetings will be set at the first meeting, in consultation with the Principal. The Principal, on behalf of the School Council, will give written notice of the dates, the times and the location(s) of the meetings to every parent/caregiver of a student enrolled at the school.
An official meeting of the School Council cannot be held unless a majority (51%) of the current members of the School Council are present at the meeting, including the Principal or their designate. The majority of those present must be parents/caregivers.
A member of a School Council who participates in a meeting by phone or virtually shall be deemed to be present at the meeting.
Meeting Protocols:
Should a member of the School Council miss two (2) consecutive meetings without sufficient notification to the School Council, the Chair/Co-Chair(s) may call a meeting with the member to determine the member's interest in the School Council and whether the member has vacated the position. If a teaching, non-teaching staff, or student member misses two (2) consecutive meetings, the Chair/Co-Chair(s) will consult with the Principal about their continued participation and/or representation.
Meetings of the School Council and committees/sub-committees may be virtual, in-person or a combination of the two. All in-person School Council meetings shall be held at the school or in a location that is accessible to the public in alignment with school or Board policies and procedures. If at the school, the space will be reserved by the Principal. School Council meetings shall be open to the public.
The Chair/Co-Chair(s) or designate may permit space for committees’/sub-committees’ meetings by accessing their TDSB e-Base account at https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Community/Permits with their shared TDSB School Council email account ([email protected]). The Principal may also permit when required.
Virtual meetings will be held using the TDSB-approved virtual platforms (Zoom, Google Meet). Meeting platforms must include a call-in option to ensure access for all parents/caregivers. Recognizing that not all parents/caregivers will have access to these platforms, the School Council will ensure that the minutes are available electronically and in hard copy (translated when appropriate). School Council shall pass a resolution each year to determine whether School Council meetings are electronically recorded and posted on the school’s website. Meeting attendees will be notified of recordings and offered options for participation (i.e., phone-in, camera-off, communication via chat box, etc.). Virtual meetings shall be accessible to the public through registration.
Each member of the School Council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by the School Council. Each committee/sub-committee member is entitled to one vote in votes taken at the committee/sub-committee level. All School Council votes/decisions will be recorded in the School Council minutes. The Principal is not entitled to vote in votes taken by the School Council nor by a committee/sub-committee of the School Council. Voting cannot occur outside of official School Council or committee/sub-committee meetings.
Virtual Voting:
Virtual voting may take place using Google forms, ZOOM or other voting tools and neither proxy nor absentee voting is permitted. Voting cannot occur outside of official School Council meetings or committee/sub-committee.
Minutes and Financial Records:
School Council shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings and accurate financial records/transactions for four (4) years on the school premises. Minutes and financial records shall be available at the school for examination by any person, without charge.
An official meeting of the School Council cannot be held unless a majority (51%) of the current members of the School Council are present (in-person or virtually) at the meeting and a majority (51%) of the members who are present are parents/caregivers of students who attend our school.
School Council Social Media Accounts:
School Council:
- may utilize any social media (Twitter; Facebook; Instagram, etc.) platform that will assist in fulfilling its purpose. School Council understands that not all parents/caregivers will be familiar with platforms and will provide ongoing instruction in their use;
- should discuss the creation of Social Media accounts with the Principal or assigned designate;
- may be shut down by the Chair/Co-Chair(s) and the Secretary, in consultation with the Principal and with notification to the School Council;
- will not post any photos, videos or recordings of Staff nor parents/caregivers, unless consent is provided;
- will ensure that the Student Media Release Consent Form is signed prior to posting any photos, videos or recordings of students;
- will adhere to all TDSB policies and procedures, including but not limited to the TDSB Advertising and Distribution of Materials Policy, anti-spam legislation, school and Board Code of Conduct, Online Code of Conduct, TDSB Equity, Human Rights Policy and all other relevant policies and procedures;
- will not compromise the privacy of any parent/caregiver, student, Staff nor School Council member;
- will not use as a tool nor justification to promote, share nor distribute hate information or material, nor isolate or exclude parents/caregivers who do not have access to such tools;
- will be respectful of all Staff, students and parents/caregivers and the community;
- monitor sites and remove inappropriate posts and users.
All expenditures of the School Council require prior approval of the School Council and will be reported in a financial statement to be made available at each School Council meeting. Funds will not be used to support staff appreciation events or gifts. The School Council will not borrow funds nor enter into any financial commitment for which funds are not already in hand. The School Council budget includes the funds provided to School Councils by the Board and the Ministry of Education, as held in the school’s non-board accounts.
School Council will consult with the Principal to access and to confirm funds and usage of funds held in the school's non-board accounts (General Ledger 41500) assigned to the School Council provided by TDSB ($1.25 per student to a minimum of $300 and to a maximum of $1000) and the Ministry of Education ($500, Parent Engagement funds).
The School Council must approve and must document, in meeting minutes, the intended purpose of a fundraising activity before commencing. All expenditures from the School Council account must be approved by School Council prior to disbursing the funds. All School Council collections and all disbursements should be captured in their financial statements. The financial statements should be shared with School Council members and the Principal and should be presented at each School Council meeting.
The School Council may maintain a bank account. The Chair/Co-Chair(s), Treasurer and/or other School Council Executive shall act as approved signing officers of the School Council bank account. Each cheque must be signed by two authorized bank signatories. The Principal may be added as a signatory to the School Council bank account. Funds collected must be independently counted by two people, logged in the deposit voucher and deposited promptly. All funds must be securely kept in the school’s secure safe until the funds are counted and deposited into the bank.
School Councils may not enter into long-term agreements, loan arrangements or other contractual agreements under the name of the school or the School Council.
All proposed School Council fundraising activities will take into consideration the ability of our parents/caregivers to contribute and/or to raise funds. As per P037 – Equity Policy, events will reflect the ideas, traditions, cultures and strengths of the parents/caregivers represented in the school. Monetary and non-monetary contributions will be valued equitably.
The School Council may fundraise and must adhere to the P021 - Fundraising Policy and PR508 - Fundraising Procedures. School Councils shall not engage in fundraising activities unless the activities are to raise funds for a purpose approved by the Principal or authorized by any applicable policies established by the TDSB. The School Council is required to:
- consult with the Principal;
- include a list of planned fundraising activities and expenditures for the year;
- create an annual financial plan using the TDSB’s forms, School Generated Funds Financial Plan (SGFFP) and School Needs Assessment Form;
- submit as a separate School Council report or as part of the school’s SGFFP, each October. The plan may be adjusted throughout the year and must be resubmitted.
Fundraising proceeds must not be used for expenses required for completion of the curriculum nor for capital infrastructure improvements funded through renewal grants from the Ministry of Education.
School Council must use the Board-approved vendors when available to ensure compliance with health and safety. Where approved vendors are not available, School Councils shall work with the Principal to find an appropriate substitute. The School Council can access the up-to-date list of approved fundraising and fun fair vendors at: https:www.tdsb.on.ca/Community/How-to-Get-Involved/Fundraising/Fundraising-Guide.
All School Council disbursements must comply with the Boards' P017 - Purchasing Policy and must be approved by the school Principal and the School Council in advance of incurring the expense.
Committees of School Council:
Recognizing that committees/sub-committees are an effective and inclusive means of investigating and implementing School Council objectives, the School Council will establish committees/sub-committees to make recommendations to the full School Council as needed.
The School Council may establish committees/sub-committees to make recommendations to the School Council. All committees/sub-committees must include at least one (1) elected/appointed parent/caregiver member of the School Council. These committees/sub-committees may include persons who are not members of the School Council.
All committees/sub-committees will meet as required throughout the year to carry out the School Council’s activities. They will make recommendations to the School Council for approval and will report to the School Council on its activities. School Councils may determine if committee/sub-committee meetings may be open by invitation and accessible to the public. Committee/sub-committee Chairs/Co-Chair(s) will consider the comfort levels of parents/caregivers when choosing meeting locations.
Conflict of Interest:
School Council shall make rules respecting participation in School Council proceedings in cases of Conflict of Interest.
Each School Council member shall avoid situations that could result in an inconsistency between the overall goals and the vision of the School Council and personal or vested interest that may arise in connection with their duties as a School Council member. Should an issue or an agenda item arise during a School Council meeting where a School Council member is in a conflict of interest situation, they shall declare a conflict of interest immediately and decline from the discussion and the resolution.
- A conflict of interest may be actual, perceived, or potential.
- Members of the School Council shall declare a conflict of interest in matters that they, members of their family or business entities in which they may have an interest, stand to benefit either directly or indirectly by decisions of the School Council.
- A member shall exclude themselves from discussions in which: (a) a conflict of interest is likely to result; (b) the member’s ability to carry out their duties and responsibilities as a member of the school council may be jeopardized; (c) the School Council member, their relatives, or a business entity in which the member may have an interest, may gain or benefit either directly or indirectly as a result of actions that may be taken by the principal or board in response to advice that the council provides to the principal or to the Board.
- A member shall not accept favours or economic benefits from any individuals, organizations, or entities known to be seeking business contracts with the school.
Conflict Resolution:
School Council shall establish a Conflict Resolution process for internal School Council disputes that is in accordance with any applicable policies established by the TDSB.
General Principles:
- it is in places of conflict that the potential for change exists. Conflicting ideas, beliefs and values may provide great learning and growth opportunities for everyone within an environment that nurtures respectful dialogue;
- there are many forms of oppression that are not always easy to recognize, therefore, it is imperative that we acknowledge and take responsibility for the biases, conscious and unconscious and the expectations that we hold;
- we all bear a responsibility in upholding a safer space and we are all accountable to each other. We are not here to exclude each other nor abandon each other. If we are willing to learn, we are here to help each other through the process of unlearning oppression and changing any structures which perpetuate it;
- this process is intended to work in tandem with existing TDSB policies, including the Human Rights Policy, Equity Policy and shall not supersede any policies, or procedures of the TDSB;
- School Council shall have the authority to enter conflict resolution with any member from School Council using the outlined procedure;
- in instances of discrimination or harassment, School Council members in consultation with the Principal or Superintendent, shall pursue resolution using PolicyP034 - Workplace Harassment, Prevention for Non-Human Rights Code Harassment rather than the internal conflict resolution process with these By-Laws.
A strong disagreement or a dispute between School Council members; or School Council members and Staff; or School Council members and non-member parents/caregivers due to:
- differences of opinion, beliefs, understanding, and/or
- differences of personality or behaviour, and/or
- violations of School Council by-laws/the school’s Code of Conduct
School Council Member:
Any parent/caregiver of the school who has been elected/identified as a member of the School Council.
School Council (Co)Chair(s):
Members of the School Council elected by the membership as Chair/Co-Chair(s) of the School Council.
The Principal of the school or their designate.
A process where a neutral third party assists two conflicting people to come to an agreement. This could involve the mediator speaking individually to the two people, but ultimately must include the mediator facilitating a meeting between both conflicting people(s).
A person (Principal, School Council Chair/Co-chair(s)) who helps a group of people to work together better, to understand their common objectives and to plan how to achieve these objectives, during meetings or discussions. In doing so, the facilitator remains "neutral", meaning they do not take a particular position in the discussion.
An agreement by parties that solves the conflict.
Conflict Resolution Process:
Conflicts and disputes that occur within the School Council will be facilitated by the following:
- conflict between the Chair/Co-Chairs and School Council, will be facilitated by an Executive Officer (Secretary/Treasurer) of the School Council;
- conflict between the Principal and the School Council, will be facilitated by the Superintendent in collaboration with the Chair/Co-Chairs;
- conflict between the Chair/Co-Chairs and the Principal, will be facilitated by the Superintendent;
- conflict among the Executives (Chair/Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.) will be facilitated by the Principal in consultation with the Superintendent;
- if the conflict occurs at a School Council meeting (attendee becomes disruptive during a meeting), the Chair/Co-Chairs, after three attempts of unsuccessfully
- asking for order, shall seek School Council approval for removal of the conflicted parties from the meeting, citing reasons for the request. This does not prevent the
- conflicted School Council member(s)/attendees from participating in future meetings of the School Council. The incident shall be recorded and submitted to the
- Superintendent within one week of the meeting, by the Principal. The School Council Chair/Co-Chairs, in collaboration with the Principal, shall request that the disputing
- member(s) participate in a private meeting, the purpose of which will be to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution to the dispute. Such a meeting will be a private
- meeting and shall not be construed as a meeting of the School Council. The meeting will result in clear steps to be taken by each party to resolve the conflict. The
- Chairs/Co-Chairs will provide an update of the resolution at the next formal meeting of the School Council;
- if a resolution was not possible, the Chair/Co-Chairs may call for a special meeting of the School Council to review the conflict/dispute and to explore options that may include suspension of the member/attendee.
Conflicts and disputes that occur within the School Council will be addressed using the following steps:
- the parties to a dispute must attempt to resolve the dispute between themselves within 5 days after the dispute has come to the attention of each party;
- if the parties to the dispute are unable to resolve the dispute between themselves within the time required, any party to the dispute may start the conflict/dispute
- process by giving written notice to the relevant facilitator of the conflict outlining the parties to the dispute and the matters that are the subject of the dispute;
- within 10 days after the facilitators have been given the notice, a meeting must be convened by the appropriate facilitator to consider and to determine the dispute;
- the facilitator must give each party to the dispute, written notice of the meeting at least 3 days before the meeting is held.
The notice given to each party to the dispute must state:
- when and where the committee meeting is to be held; and
- that the party may attend the meeting and will be given a reasonable opportunity to make written and/or oral submission to the committee about the dispute.
At the meeting at which a dispute is to be considered and determined, the facilitator must;
- give each party to the dispute a reasonable opportunity to make written and/or oral submission to the committee about the dispute;
- give due consideration to any submissions;
- determine the dispute;
- give each party to the dispute written notice of the committee’s determination and the reasons for the determination, within 7 days after the committee meeting at which the determination is made;
- a party to the dispute may, within 5 days after receiving notice of the committee’s determination, give written notice to the facilitator accepting the recommended resolution or requesting the appointment of a mediator;
- if a mediator is requested by one or more of the disputants, or the facilitator deems a mediator is required, the facilitator will secure a mediator and each party to the dispute is a party to the mediation;
- appropriate facilitator will secure a mediator who may be a Board official or independent party identified by the Board and be mutually agreed on by the parties involved in the dispute;
- if a mediator is not supported by one of the disputants, another mediator will be secured;
- if a disputant fails to participate in the mediation called by the facilitator, the disputant will adhere to all recommendations of the mediator.
The mediation process must entail the following:
- the parties to the mediation must attempt, in good faith, to settle the matter that is the subject of the mediation;
- each party to the mediation must give the mediator a written statement of the issues that need to be considered at the mediation at least 3 days before the mediation takes place;
- in conducting the mediation, the mediator must:
- give each party to the mediation every opportunity to be heard; and
- allow each party to the mediation to give due consideration to any written statement given by another party; and
- ensure that natural justice is given to the parties to the mediation throughout the mediation process.
- the mediator cannot determine the matter that is the subject of the mediation;
- the mediation must be confidential and any information given at the mediation can be used in other proceedings that take place in relation to the matter that is the subject of the mediation;
- the costs of the mediation are to be paid by the party or parties who appointed the mediator;
- the recommendation of the mediator is final and cannot be appealed.
Suspension of a School Council Member:
If School Council is unsuccessful in their attempt to resolve a conflict that is impacting the effective operation of the School Council or is impeding the safe and the healthy engagement of all members using the Conflict Resolution process and/or the Suspension process. TDSB Staff (Principal, Superintendent or Executive Superintendent) may halt School Council operations (meetings, activities, fundraisers etc.) to engage in a resolution process that cannot exceed 2 - 3 months.
If the School Council is successful in its attempt to resolve a conflict using the Conflict Resolution process and/or the Suspension process, the Principal, Superintendent and/or Executive Superintendent may reinstate the School Council upon completion of the resolution process.
Annual Report:
School Council will annually submit a written report of its activities to the Principal and include any fundraising activities. The Principal will, on behalf of the School Council, give a copy of the report to every parent/caregiver of a student who is enrolled in the school, either by giving the report to the student for delivery to their parent/caregiver and/or posting the report in the school in a place that is visible to parents/caregivers and/or online.
By-Laws' Amendments:
School Council will review these By-Laws every three to four (3-4) years to ensure that they reflect the current makeup and the needs of the school community. Amendment Procedure:
- a committee will be struck to consider changes, including broad, inclusive consultation with the school community, particularly Black, Indigenous, racialized people, people with disabilities, women, 2-Spirited, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Trans, Queer (2SLGBTQ+) and other equity deserving parents/caregivers as per the P037 - Equity Policy;
- a draft of amendments will be made available to the School Council who will then vote to accept the draft or to send it back to the committee for further work;
- the accepted draft will be made available to parents/caregivers for feedback, including a method for response and the date of the ratification vote;
- the School Council will vote to ratify the draft By-Law amendment(s) at a designated meeting. Ratification requires approval of at least 65% of School Council members present, the majority being parent/caregiver members of our school. The School Council Chair/Co-Chair(s) will update the By-Laws using the Board Template
The Dovercourt PS School Council By-Laws were created on October 21, 2022.
Contact Information of Principal:
Name: Caitland Ellis
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: 416-393-9220
SAC 101
The following resources and websites may help you to learn more about School Advisory Councils:
Ontario Ministry of Education School Council Guide (2002)
Ontario Ministry of Education - Parent Involvement Committee Handbook (2012)
TDSB 'School Council 101' presentation
Ontario Ministry of Education - Parent Involvement Committee Handbook (2012)
TDSB 'School Council 101' presentation