Our next SAC meeting — and the first of the 2024/2025 school year — will take place on Tuesday, September 17th, at 6:00pm at the school. All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend; child care will be available. Why come? At this meeting, as with all meetings, we'll get a Principal's Report from Caitland Ellis. We will discuss plans and goals for the year ahead. We will also be holding elections for the following leadership positions, which will help steer and manage various initiatives. (Note: You do not need any previous SAC experience to volunteer for a leadership role — just a willingness to get involved.) Here are the open roles for 2024/2025 (you can read descriptions of each role here):
You can be as active and involved as you want at a SAC meeting. If you simply want to hear about what's going on at the school, you are welcome and encouraged to show up. And if you want to help organize events and initiatives, or if you want to volunteer, you are also welcome and encouraged to pursue that, too. The more parents and guardians get involved, the more we'll be able to do for our school. Join us if you’re curious about SAC, or if you have ideas for fundraising. And if you simply have a question about SAC, please email us at [email protected]! SAC will be holding elections for leadership roles at the September SAC meeting, taking place on September 17th, 2024, at 6:00pm, at Dovercourt PS. The open positions are listed below, along with descriptions. Please join us and get involved; you do not need any previous SAC experience to do so. You can self-nominate for roles, or nominate other caregivers who may be interested in playing a more active role on the School Advisory Council. And please come out and vote to help shape the future of SAC and of Dovercourt Public School. Open roles for 2023/2024: Chair or co-chairs (Executive) Available positions: 1-2 Held last year by: Peggy Gibbons and Ben Peto (alternate: Lisa Clapperton) Responsibilities:
Treasurer (Executive) Available positions: 1 (+ 1 Alternate) Held last year by: Sarah Weaver (alternate: Ben Peto) Responsibilities:
Secretary/Recorder (Executive) Available positions: 1 (+ 1 Alternate) Held last year by: Nuno Silva (Alternate: Melanie Kramer) Responsibilities:
Communications Available positions: 1-2 Held last year by: Deborah Aarts Responsibilities:
Community Outreach & Ward Rep Available positions: 1 Held last year by: Vacant Responsibilities:
Events Team Available positions: 2-4 Held last year by: Lisa Clapperton and Hilary Hall Responsibilities:
Enrichment Available positions: 1 Held last year by: Melanie Kramer Responsibilities:
Greening/Eco Team Available positions: 1-2 Held last year by: Vivian Fleet and Deborah Walsh Responsibilities:
Student Rep Available positions: 1-2 Held last year by: Vacant Community Representative Available positions: 1-2 Past representatives: Dovercourt Boys & Girls Club, Oasis Dufferin Community Centre Responsibilities:
Pride Subcommittee Available positions: 1 Held last year by: Karine Silverwoman (support: Chris Antonik) Responsibilities:
Stop School Cuts Subcommittee: Available positions: 1 Held last year by: Alejandra González Jiménez Responsibilities:
Role of all council members:
Welcome back, returning Dovercourt families! Welcome, new Dovercourt families! On behalf of Dovercourt School Advisory Council (SAC), we hope you all had terrific summers and are excited for a great school year ahead. We're kicking off the start of the year (and celebrating the end of the first week, which we know can be a bit... rocky) with a First Friday social in the schoolyard on Friday, September 6th. Come enjoy some coffee and light snacks! Meet some other Dovercourt parents and caregivers! Learn a bit about SAC! Key details:
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. (We think the photo above, from Spring Fling, captures the vibe well!) The 2023/2024 school year was a standout one for Dovercourt SAC. We launched exciting new projects and events, and scaled up Spring Fling. (We missed you, bouncy castles!) We advocated against education cuts and launched a new Dovercourt Pride subcommittee. We also focused our fundraising efforts and, as a result, enter the 2024/2025 school year with a balance of more than $23,000—in line with pre-COVID norms. This will help us support more initiatives that benefit our students. Hooray! Fundraising highlights: Thank you to all for your generous support!
A sample of SAC-funded student activities:
Special thanks: Major thanks to 2023/2024 co-chairs Ben Peto and Peggy Gibbons for leading our small-but-mighty council with such integrity and vision. And a special shout-out to departing SAC enrichment lead Melanie Kramer—we will all miss you! Check out our year-end SAC newsletter:
Did you know? This year, SAC funded a Roots of Empathy program in Ms. Smith’s class. We asked Ms. Smith to share a bit about the experience. Here’s her report: “This year, Ms. Smith's grade 4/5 class participated in the Roots of Empathy program, where a community member, ’Mama Kathryn’ brought her baby, ‘Baby Alex’ in for regular visits over the course of the year. “With the help of Roots of Empathy facilitator, Ms. Passmore, students got to learn about empathy through watching Baby Alex grow over the course of the year. Students also learned about how to safely care for a baby, and connected this information to their own lived experiences, and what kind of care makes them feel safe and comfortable. “Students were in awe every time that the baby visited, as she was always noticeably bigger and had gained a new and impressive skill. What a wonderful way to bond with our classmates!” What a win-win! We hope to bring Roots of Empathy back to Dovercourt next year. In the meantime, please enjoy these photos of Baby Alex in the classroom with Grade 4/5 students! Spring Fling 2024 was one for the history books! We ate, danced, played games, bounced, sang, made art, showed Pride, and took in a truly tremendous talent show—all while raising nearly $10,000 to support school enrichment activities and other initiatives. It was our biggest fundraiser, by far, since the pre-pandemic days. Special, big, mega-thanks to:
We'll start planning next year's Spring Fling in the fall of 2024. Please email us at [email protected] if you'd like to get involved! Spring Fling in a few photos:Attn: Grade 7 students, parents and caregivers (and others): We need your help to send off our graduating Grade 8 students. Can you volunteer to serve food at the Grade 8 picnic lunch on Wednesday, June 19th, or to set up, serve food, or clean up at the graduation ceremony the evening of June 20th? Please sign up here. Want to own a piece of art history? As you may know, many Dovercourt classes have been working hard to prepare unique, collaborative canvas art projects for a series of draws to be held at Spring Fling on May 31st. Simply write your contact info on a ticket, drop it in the box for your canvas(es) of choice, and cross your fingers! All proceeds will benefit our school. All artworks will be on display at the event, but here is a sneak peek: See something that will look perfect in your home? Check out all the canvases in the west yard at Spring Fling! Come one, come all to Spring Fling at Dovercourt on May 31st—our biggest fundraiser of the year! We‘ll have fun, mark the end of the 2023/2024 school year, raise money for our school, and celebrate our awesome Dovercourt community. It‘s going to be a fabulous event! Here's everything you need to know before you go. Key details:
What to bring:
Tickets and prices:Tickets may be purchased on-site at a price of $1 per ticket, or 25 tickets for $20. We can accept cash and debit cards for ticket purchases. We cannot accept credit cards. Food prices:
Event mapHere's where you'll find what you need to find.
We gotta feeling you're going to love this one!
Some of you may remember that at last year's Spring into Summer event kicked off with a big group Flash Mob, choreographed by Dovercourt parent Monica Dottor. We're excited to be doing it again at Spring Fling on May 31st, once again with Monica's expert help! The flash mob will take place at 3:45pm. This year's song is I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas, and we want to fill the yard with dancing Dovercourt Dragons: students, parents, caregivers, teachers and staff! That means we all need to learn the moves. Here is Monica demonstrating this year's dance: And here is a video with step-by-step instructions:
And here is the lyric sheet, with annotations.
What you can do: