Our first SAC newsletter of the year is out! Read on for useful information about SAC, registration information for our fall after-school enrichment programs, details about our Fresh from the Farm fundraiser, and a call for volunteers for the October 12th Welcome Back Open House at the school. Watch for the newsletter in backpacks later this week, or download it as a PDF by clicking the image above or the link below: ![]()
Want to buy some great local produce while supporting Dovercourt? We’ve enrolled Dovercourt in the Fresh from the Farm program, which provides students, teachers, staff, and parents/caregivers an opportunity to support local growers by buying Ontario vegetables and apples to raise funds. Dovercourt PS will receive 40% of all purchases! Vegetable bundle: $22 (no HST)
Vegetable bundle: $24 (no HST)
How it works: Ordering:
Order deadline: October 12th, 2023 at 7:00pm. ![]()
Following the success of our spring Brixology and Crayola World of Design enrichment programs, SAC is excited to bring two optional, paid after-school activities to Dovercourt this fall, for students in grades 1 through 6. (Don’t worry, kindie parents! We plan to offer an after-school program for kindergarten students in the winter.) Here’s what’s available this autumn: Wild World by Imagine Arts Academy Participating students will explore different species each week through a variety of art-making techniques.
Science Surprise by Mad Science Participating students will explore different weekly STEM topics, from rocks, to weather, to machines.
Space is limited, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, and to register, click here. We at Dovercourt’s School Advisory Committee (SAC) hope the 2023/2024 school year has been off to a fantastic start for you and your family. We’re energized and eager to sharpen our (literal and metaphorical) pencils to help create another great year at Dovercourt. Our first SAC meeting of the school year is on Wednesday, September 27th at 6:30pm in the school's staff room. We'll be talking about our fall Welcome Back Open House, our enrichment plans, new fundraising initiatives, and more — plus, of course, Principal Caitland Ellis's report on the start of the school year. Free childcare is available. Please join us! |