Our October SAC newsletter is out! Read on to meet your new SAC leadership team, hear from our outgoing (2022/2023) Co-Chairs Alejandra González Jiménez and Elaine Hua, and to learn more about our new Spirit Wear online store. Watch for the newsletter in backpacks later this week, or download it as a PDF by clicking the image above or the link below: ![]()
Dovercourt SAC has opened a new online store for Dovercourt Spirit Wear, using Entripy, a GTA-based apparel company and TDSB-approved supplier of custom shirts, hats, sweatpants and more. Check out the shop at dovercourtspiritwear.entripyshops.com! For more details about this fundraising initiative, and to find the answers to frequently asked questions, check out our Spirit Wear info page here, or at the Spirit Wear tab at the top of this page. Show your school spirit, and help support our school! SAC will be holding elections on October 25, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., at Dovercourt PS. The open positions are listed below, along with descriptions. Please join us and get involved. You can do so by self-nominating or nominating other caregivers who may be interested in playing a more active role on the School Advisory Council. And please come out and vote to help shape the future of SAC and of Dovercourt School.
Chair or co-chairs (Executive) Available positions: 1-2 Held last year by: Alejandra González Jiménez and Elaine Hua Responsibilities:
Our Welcome Back Open House will take place on the school's Curriculum Night on October 12th. Join us at the school starting at 5:30pm for some free food (pizza, samosas, patties and apples, available on a first-come, first-served basis), a gear swap (Hallowe'en and winter), Fresh from the Farm fundraiser sales, Dovercourt Spirit Wear preview, and more. We need volunteers! If you haven't already, please sign up for a shift serving food, sorting donated costumes and winter gear, setting up, or cleaning up, by completing our sign-up form (or by emailing us at [email protected]). If you can't volunteer, here are a few other ways you can help.
See you on Thursday the 12th! ![]()